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Alexander Kochenkov

Head Pastor

Alexander Valentinovich Kochenkov was born in 1962 in Belarus, in the Gomel region. In 1985, he was ordained as a deacon by the church in the city of Rogachev. In 1999, he moved to the United States with his family. In 2000, he was selected as a Pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Vancouver. He is married and has eight children

Oleg Serpevski

Head Deacon

Oleg Serpevskiy was born on January 5, 1969, in the city of Frunze. He spent his entire childhood and youth being raised in a Christian family and attended the local church. In 1990, the Lord touched his heart, and he repented and was baptized that year. Oleg later married his wife Vera. In 1992 Oleg took his family and moved to America. The challenges of life in America after the move distanced him from God, but the Lord continued to work on him and did not abandon him. Oleg and his wife have 3 kids, a son and two daughters. In 1998, their youngest daughter was found to have health problems, the Lord began knocking on his heart. Through the process God worked in his heart. Oleg soon realized life without God is meaningless and he repented and fully dedicated his life. In 2010, Oleg and his family began attending the "Grace" church. In 2013, by the decision of the church, Oleg was elected and ordained to the Diaconate, a ministry he continues to fulfill to this day.

Petr Shivy

Youth Leader

Petr Shiva was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan, into a Christian family. At the age of 16, he turned to God in a prayer of repentance and soon became actively involved in the youth ministry of his local church. Two years later, he received a holy water baptism. In 2012, he married his wife, Yulia. In 2014, he and his family moved to Vancouver, WA, where in 2018, he became a youth ministry assistant. In 2022, he took on the responsibility of leading the youth department of the local church. Today, by God's grace, he continues this ministry along with his wife and their five wonderful children.
The verse that had a strong influence on his life is Isaiah 6:8: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"

Pavel Fedorenko

Musical Department

I grew up in a large Christian family with 9 children.
From an early age, our parents introduced us to the music ministry. My father was the choir director and took me to all the choir rehearsals. Music school was mandatory in our family. My first involvement in choir leadership was in 1993. I continued my musical education at the University of Instrumental Music. Upon completion of my studies, I received a diploma in higher musical education.
I have been a member of Grace Church for over 25 years, and have been serving in the music and choir department.
God has blessed my wife Vera and I with three wonderful and talented children.

Vladimir Stovbyr

Sunday School

Vladimir Stovbyr was born into a Christian family in Kharkiv, Ukraine. His family moved to America in 1997. At a young age, he was actively involved in serving in children's camps, providing translation of services into English, and participating in youth ministry. In 2005, he received water baptism. He got married in 2017, and the family was blessed with three sons. In 2023, God opened the opportunity for him to serve as a deacon at the "Grace" church. With God's help, he and his family are involved in children's ministry at the local church.

Irina Kolychev

Russian School

I was born and raised in Kazakhstan. In 1993, my husband and I moved to Vancouver. In 1994, the Church I was attending had just established a Russian school, where I was invited to help as a teacher. A few months went by and I helped create lessons, and programs and then I became the director of the Russian school, and for 30 years, I have been carrying this ministry.
God has richly blessed our work with dedicated teachers, many of whom have been serving for more than 10-15 years. My husband and I have four sons who are a very big blessing! My primary profession as a nurse has allowed me to help in children's camps for many years and serve my students as a nurse.
Looking back on the 30-year journey of ministry at the Russian school, I cannot cease to give glory to God for all His mercies and blessings shown to us and our children throughout the existence of our local church, "Grace."